Dr. Daniel Yaw Addai Duah
Daniel Y. A. Duah joined the Department of Architecture in 2006 following a four year stay in the United Kingdom where he completed his MSc. in Construction Management and Economics from the University of Greenwich with a research focused on the concept of buildability in the built environment. He was also a Lecturer-in-Building Studies at Barnfield College in Luton.
Daniel won a Fulbright Scholarship to study for his PhD in Planning, Design, and Construction from Michigan State University (specialization – Construction Management). Prior to his MSc studies in the UK, He completed his Post Graduate Diploma and Bachelor of Science degrees both in Architecture from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in Ghana. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Duah is a practicing architect and a Construction Management Consultant.
- Associate Member, Ghana Institute of Architects (GIA)
- Sustainable Construction and Project Management
- Design Economics
- Architectural Design
- Professional Practice and Architectural Management
- Sustainable Planning, Design, and Construction
- Construction Project Management
- Energy Efficiency in Existing and New Buildings
- Intelligent Decision Support Systems
- Economic Design and Construction
- Building Codes and Enforcement
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- Duah, D. Y. A., Ford, K., Syal, M. (2014). Expert Knowledge Elicitation for Decision-Making in Home Energy Retrofits. Structural Survey, Journal of Building Pathology and Refurbishment, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 377–395. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Duah, D.Y.A. (2013). Key Factors in Constructability Success: Perception of Construction Professionals in Developing Countries. The Professional Constructor. The American Institute of Constructors, Vol. 37, No. 02.
- Amos-Abanyie, S., Poku-Boansi, M., and Duah, D. Y. A. (2012). Improving Ramp Design as a Barrier-Free Access in Public Buildings in the Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. Vol. 14 No. 1. pp. 170 - 184.
- Duah, D. Y. A., Amos-Abanyie, S. and Poku-Boansi, M. (2011). The Urban Poor and the Excesses of Rents: Evidence from Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Science Engineering and Technology. Vol. 18, No. 1. Pp. 9760 – 9778.
- Syal, S., Duah, D., Samuel, S., Mazor, M., Mo, Y. and Cyr, T. (2013). Information Framework For An Intelligent DSS For Home Energy Retrofits. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 140, No. 1.
- Pillai, G., Syal, M., Hastak, M., Ofei-Amoh, K. R., and Duah, D. (2012). Health Performance Criteria Framework for Homes. American Institute of Constructors, Journal of the American Institute of Professional Constructors. April 2012, Vol. 36, No. 1.
Research Report Publications
- Syal, S., Duah, D., Samuel, S., Mo, Y., Cyr, T, and Alcott, J., Kim, S., Lieburn, Mazor, M., McIntyre, A., Mrozowski, T. (2013). Information Framework Development for Retrofit Technology Measures. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, United States Department of Energy. Accepted for publication.
- Syal, M., Ofei-Amoh, R. K., Duah, D., Cyr, T., and Korkmaz, S. (2012). Smart Grid: Installation and Construction Management Aspects for Electrical Contractors. National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). ELECTRI International – The Foundation for Electrical Construction, Inc.
Peer Reviewed Conference Publications
- Duah, D.Y.A. and Syal, M. (2013). Knowledge Elicitation from Home Energy Retrofit Experts: A Delphi Approach. Paper presented at the International High Performance Building Education and Technology Conference (IHPB 2013), Lansing Community College West Campus, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, June 19-20, 2013.
- Duah, D.Y.A. and Syal, M. (2013). Information Barriers In Home Energy Retrofit Adoption: Research In Progress. Paper presented at the 1st Residential Building Design and Construction Conference. The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania from February 20 – 21, 2013.
- Duah, D.Y.A. and Syal, M. (2013). Standard Criteria For Determining A Home Energy Retrofit Expert: Research In Progress. Paper Presented at Michigan State University Graduate Academic Conference, Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, February 15th, 2013.
- Duah, D., Syal, S., and Samuel, S. (2012). Developing a Decision Support System for Cost Effective Energy Retrofits in Homes. Paper presented at the International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa. Held at Golden Tulip Kumasi City, Kumasi and organized by the College of Architecture and Planning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
Selected Book Chapter
- Syal, M.G. & Duah, D.Y.A. (2012). Construction Project Management, in Civil Engineering, [Eds. Kiyoshi Horikawa, Qizhong Guo], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK, http://www.eolss.net
Daniel Yaw Duah (AGIA)
Department of Architecture
College of Art and Built Environment
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Mobile phone: +233 50 697 8182; +233 24 659 3717
E-mail: duahdani@gmail.com; duahdani.cap@knust.edu.gh