Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Victor K. Quagraine
Victor K Quagraine joined the Department as a lecturer in 2008. He completed St. Peter’s Regional Seminary (Cape Coast) with BA in Sociology and Religion (Legon, Ghana) and was ordained a Catholic Priest in 1995. He then traveled to Maastricht, Holland to work in the office of Architect Wiel Arets from 1997 to 1999 before he undertook his architecture, construction and environmental studies in the USA. He started his architecture and construction management studies in Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1999 and on completion in 2003 he was awarded double degree, namely Master of Architecture degree and Master of Construction Management degree in 2003. He then continued to pursue his doctoral studies at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA in 2004. He successfully completed in 2007 and was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (in Environmental Design and Planning).
Since he joined the Department, he has taught Urban Design for both undergraduate and graduate levels, Architectural Design for both undergraduate and graduate levels, Environmental Behavior Studies, Design Economics, Research Writing, and Landscape and Housing for the Department of Horticulture. He has supervise many theses of students and his area of expertise include Urban Design, Ecological Urbanism, Indoor Air Science and Construction Management. He was the former coordinator of Undergraduate Programs in the Department.
- Architectural Design
- Urban Design
- Environmental Behavior Studies
- Design Economics
- Landscape and Housing
- Ecological Urbanism
- Labor-based Construction Management
- Indoor Air Science
Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Publications, Book Chapters and Conference Papers
- V. Quagraine and N. Boschi (2008). Behavioral changes can help prevent indoor air-related illnesses in Ghana. Building and Environment Journal 2008, 43 2008 355 – 361
- V.K. Quagraine, S.G. Brandenburg and J.Y. Beliveau (2009). Improving labor-based road rehabilitation in Ghana. Journal of Management in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, April 2009, Vol 25 Issue 2, pp. 87-96.
- Amos-Abanyie, S., Fred O. Akuffo, F. O. and Quagraine V (2009). Unveiling Energy Saving Techniques for Cooling in Residential Buildings in Ghana. International Journal of Ventilation, Vol 8, Issue 1, pp. 23-35
- VK Quagraine (2011). Urban Landscape Depletion in the Kumasi Metropolis. In Adarkwa K. K (ed.), The Future of the Tree: Planning and Managing the Development of Kumasi, Ghana. University Printing Press, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, pp. 212-233
- Inkoom DKB and VK Quagraine (2014). Central Region. In Adarkwa K. K. (ed.), Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. University Printing Press, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, pp. 126-161
- V. K Quagraine, and J. Attipoe. (2011). Architectural Design Solutions To Indoor Air Related Diseases In The Urban Areas In Ghana. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2011, Austin, TX. Paper 120.
- V. K Quagraine, GFA Olympio and RMD Dinye (2011). Envisioning the Impact of Using Family-Based Labor Management Concept for Labor-Based Road Rehabilitation in Ghana. Proceedings of the 14th ILO Regional Seminar for Labour-Based Practitioners, Accra International Conference Centre, Ghana.
- V. K Quagraine, G. F. A. Olympio and R. M Dinye (2013). The Assessment of the Readiness of the Ghanaian Housing Industry for the adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) as an Innovative means to improve the Housing Stock. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa 17th -19th March, 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 300-309.
- R.M Dinye, G. F. A. Olympio and V. K Quagraine (2013). Urbanization, Land Use Planning and Infrastructure Development in Ghana. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa 17th -19th March, 2013, Johannesburg, South Africa. Pp 319-328.
- Archbishop Sarpong Guests Building, Kumasi (2009, completed)
- Convent for FST Sisters, Kumasi (2010)
- Archbishop Sarpong Office Building, Kumasi (2011)
- Archbishop Mensah Children Library, kUMASI (2012)
- Nurses’ Flats Building, Mercy Catholic Women Hospital, Mankessim (2012)
- Refurbishment of St. Theresa’s Parish Santuary, Keneshie, Accra (2013)
- Refurbishment OF Convent for FST Sisters, Yabie (2014)
- Kofi Turkson’s Technology Center, Ekroful (2014)
- St. Bhakita Parish Conference Center, Korforidua (2015).
- Pediatric Ward, Mercy Catholic Women Hospital, Mankessim (2015)
Victor K. Quagraine
Department of Architecture
College of Art and Built Environment
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Mobile phone: +233 207 024221